Rachel Mastin

Rachel is taking clients and would love to hear from you!

Hey Friends!

WOAH! The past few years have really taught me so much, I never imagined I could evolve into owning something so wonderful. Honestly, I never imagined I would ever be a business owner, it never felt right to me but two years ago I made a choice. My biggest cheerleader, someone who has never doubted me and has always offered me space to learn and evolve as myself, was ready to close the salon that we built from the ground up. She said she couldn’t carry the weight of it anymore. I didn’t want to see it go just yet, I wanted to give it one last chance to thrive in the city we both care so much about, so I jumped in to help carry it. 

We knew we came downtown a little early, it was really brave of us to be a part of such a big undertaking and holding trust that something big and beautiful could come from it. Six months after opening we were hit with Covid, we started all over. We tried again and we would start all over again, a few times! It has been fun, it’s been wild, and now I’m tired. 

I am not afraid to admit that we tried something and that we don't want it anymore. We are choosing ourselves. This space is beautiful, I love it, I love the city, I love what we’ve created, AND it is no longer serving us. We are choosing ourselves, getting back to what brings us the most joy, and loving on our families. 

I am so grateful for this opportunity; I wouldn't have learned so many new skills, I wouldn’t have known how absolutely capable I am. I took a scary step out of my comfort zone and now I know I CAN BE A BUSINESS OWNER! 

My gratitude to all my guests is beyond measurable, Thank you! My career has been a wild ride and it's about to get wilder. I would never be where I am without all of your continued support. You all have become more than just guests but my friends. As I grow I am so excited for our business and friendship relationship to evolve too. As you can tell things are changing and I couldn't be more excited. We are saying goodbye to Need + Co, Au revoir and thank you for the amazing memories! Don’t worry, it was a mutual decision!

In the next couple of weeks I will be finalizing my next steps. My plan is to go to a suite in Penfield with the aspiration to build my own boutique salon "So Eclectic" in the near future. 

"As one door closes a new one opens"  couldn't be a truer statement! I MANIFESTED SOME MAGICAL STUFF Y’ALL! THE UNIVERSE IS LISTENING AND GOD IS HEARING MY PRAYERS! Things are falling into place and I am just trusting my gut. My goal has always been to give my guests a relaxing and unforgettable experience. I want to spoil you all and give you all the most amazing positive vibes. When I get more clarity and confirmation I’ll share every step with you.

What I am most excited about moving forward is this next venture will include my husband and my family. I want to curate a place that embraces more of my family life and personal life. I want to integrate both parts, my career and homelife with clear and set boundaries (something I am working on, we don't need another burnout Rachel on our hands xo) My Husband Josh has been a huge support of everything I do annnd you all know I have a billion ideas flowing non stop all the time haha. 

I have been very open about my personal life and this last year has been a tough one. It has completely changed my outlook on life. Josh and I have been trying to start our family for 4 years. We are on our fertility journey and it's been a rough road so far. I haven't spoken publicly  about our struggles, I always said " Oh I won't be the one to talk about that stuff, I will keep it to myself" but after so much reflection and talking with so many badass, amazing women I realize this is super common. So many of us are going through similar things and feels taboo to talk about it, I THINK WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT! 

Josh and I had a miscarriage last year and it has rocked my world. I am a different woman now, I am still struggling to start my family. I am still struggling with staying positive in this situation but I have also come so far in it. I am so proud of who I have become. 

I keep telling myself it's just a part of my journey, Josh and my journey. Life is throwing us curve balls but we get to learn so much about each other and what we want. I don't take any little thing for granted. This changed my views on what I want going forward. I want to get back to slowing down and being more present, getting that quality time with all of you, being creative, doing more hair, more of a homey vibe when you're in my space. Basically what I am saying is get ready. I'm not going anywhere and I have never felt more empowered and motivated.

I want you to know that you are welcome to continue this journey with me or move on, obviously want you all to stay with me duh! I truly mean it though, I understand and acknowledge that change isn't always great for everyone and I want you to all feel comfortable and make choices that are best for you. Please reach out to me and talk to me, I’m asking for  communication and grace during this pivotal transition. I will offer you the same, promise. 

xo - Rach

I am on Instagram @rachelissoeclectic @soeclecticroc @rach.mastin
I am on Facebook at Rachel Mastin